Are There Aftercare Programs in Huntington Beach, CA?

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Taking the first steps towards healing from addiction by going to a drug or alcohol rehab program is only the beginning of a future free from the physical and emotional effects of drug and alcohol addiction. While going to rehab in Huntington Beach, CA represents a vital and challenging decision; it is not the last part of your journey. Completing an addiction treatment program is critical to detoxing and achieving sobriety. As part of your treatment program at Ocean Coast Recovery, you will learn more about addiction and the triggers that often lead to substance use. You will also have the opportunity to develop and reinforce vital coping tools you can use after treatment ends to safely and effectively manage relapse triggers. As your primary treatment program ends, you may be looking for aftercare programs in Huntington Beach, CA.

What is Aftercare in Recovery?

Aftercare programs for substance abuse are uniquely designed plans that take effect at the end of a residential or outpatient primary treatment program. The most successful aftercare programs are developed based on your individual needs to help you safely and successfully navigate life after addiction and addiction treatment. An aftercare program is designed to support recovery using evidence-based practices designed to help maintain motivation and momentum as one progresses in sobriety.

Aftercare is an essential part of a comprehensive drug or alcohol treatment program. A good aftercare program will help you slowly and safely transition from the supported and structured environment of addiction treatment back to your home and daily obligations. Participating in an aftercare program ensures you are able to slowly ease back into your home or work environment while still having a high level of support and guidance.

Without an aftercare program, you may find that the early days of addiction recovery are complicated and more complex. Sometimes, newly recovered addicts without the benefits of aftercare struggle with isolation and other challenges related to their newly sober lifestyle. You may also experience difficulty responding to relapse triggers, stressors, and even daily activities that feel different than before treatment. In some instances, the inability to safely manage these triggers that can lead to relapse.

Are There Aftercare Programs in Huntington Beach, CA?

Aftercare planning is vital in ensuring that addicts new to recovery have access to emotional support and ongoing therapy sessions where they feel safe being honest and open about thoughts, temptations, and inevitable slip-ups. The sooner you can admit you are having difficulties managing temptation or triggers or acknowledge that you have (or may have) relapsed, the sooner you can get back into treatment and back on the path to recovery.

Aftercare programs in Huntington Beach, CA, include ongoing therapy and access to peer support groups. As an active participant in these groups, you will develop a strong support network of like-minded peers who share similar challenges and victories on their recovery journey. These peers are there to provide support during challenging times and to help you get back on track if you stumble.

Participation in an aftercare program is essential to ongoing recovery. Data provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) indicates that relapse rates for those who have completed treatment are as high as 60%. Ongoing participation in therapy, peer support groups, and attending medical and mental health appointments regularly can help reduce the power of triggers and the occurrence of relapse.

How to find Aftercare Programs at Ocean Coast Recovery

Participating in an aftercare program is an essential part of ongoing recovery. Research has indicated despite completing an addiction treatment program, many people are not comfortable transitioning away from the strong support and structure of the treatment environment. Aftercare programs for addiction recovery reduce potential exposure to triggers and provide access to support and peer guidance during the most difficult early days of recovery.Our Orange County aftercare program is designed with your needs in mind. To learn more about how to find aftercare programs at Ocean Coast Recovery, contact our admissions team today.

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