How to Find the Best Rehabs to Suit My Needs

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If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction, it might be time to find the best rehabs in your area. When you find a good rehab facility, you can get the help you need.

What are the Different Levels of Rehab Treatment?

Being able to find a good rehab facility starts with knowing which services you need:


Inpatient and residential treatment plans are best for individuals who can’t manage their symptoms on their own. If you don’t live in a supportive, safe environment where you can actively undergo detox, manage your cravings, and get to and from regular therapy, inpatient or residential services might be the best option for you. When you find a drug rehab center that offers inpatient services, you live at that facility for the extent of your recovery, usually 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days. During this time, your schedule is controlled for you, and you spend all day having meals prepared while you undergo initial detoxification and later recovery. This might include a mixture of individual psychotherapy, group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, stress management, relationship counseling, and much more.


If you have already completed an inpatient program or your addiction is something you can manage and control safely in a supportive environment at home, then you might want to find a good rehab facility that focuses on outpatient services. There are plenty of rehab facilities that offer both so that you can transition easily and safely from your inpatient services to your outpatient services. Help patient programs are designed for you to live at home and continue with your regular work, school, or family responsibilities but complete your therapy and other recovery programs by attending classes or meetings throughout the week.


When you find a drug rehab center, they will probably go over your specific needs and your situation to help determine if you need medically supervised detox. For some people, they can safely undergo detox at home, but for others, it’s unsafe to do so, and highly recommended that the detox process be overseen by a doctor. You can do a medically assisted detox at a rehab facility before you start your inpatient or outpatient rehab treatment.

How Do I Know What Rehab is Best for Me?

In order to find the best rehabs, you need to know what matters most for you. 

  • The most important thing will be the services they offer. In order to find the best rehabs, you need to find a facility that offers inpatient services if that’s what you were looking for.
  • You may also consider a rehab facility that focuses on coexisting disorders. This simply means they provide treatment for more than one issue, usually a mental health disorder as well as drug or alcohol addiction. Many people who suffer from substance abuse do so because they’re self-medicating to treat an undiagnosed mental health condition. Add a good rehab facility you can get treatment for the mental health problems that led to the substance abuse.
  • Personalized plans are also very important. Some of the best rehab facilities are considered the best because they give you a customized recovery plan. First, you undergo an initial evaluation, during which time you might sit down with a doctor and discuss what your history of addiction is, what you are currently taking, what services you might need, and what holistic treatments you prefer. With a customized plan, you are not forced to use the same therapy that may not have worked in the past, or the same therapy that your friend or family member did. You get to find something that works best for you.

How to Find the Best Rehabs to Suit My Needs

At Ocean Coast, our facility will help you find the best rehabs, therapies, and personalized programs based on your situation. If you need a medically supervised detox, we can help; our facility and compassionate staff are ready to keep you as comfortable as possible during your detoxification. We keep eyes on your withdrawal symptoms, administer medications if necessary, and watch your vitals so you can focus on healing your body. 

When you need to find a good rehab facility that offers comprehensive residential services, Ocean Coast is there too. Our residential inpatient services offer a wide range of evidence-based practices, including group therapy, individual therapy, anger management, as well as family therapy. We integrate holistic treatments that might work best for your situation into your recovery plans, such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and addiction education, so that you can understand what triggers may have led to your substance abuse and how to avoid them in the future.

Let Ocean Coast help you start your rehab journey.

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